Community chest of Korea
About CCK
Community Chest of Korea is an organization which raises and allocates funds, offers expertise in the management of private welfare funds and helps to secure systematic transparency through statutory and independent audits. CCK is a national organization with a central administration and regional offices in 17 cities and provinces.
Community Chest System
CCK is a community-based fundraising body which complements statutory welfare programs. We raise funds for allocation to varying sizes of welfare centers and projects and collaborate with other established fundraising organizations. CCK has established close relationships with United Way Worldwide (UWW) and similar organizations in 41 countries and territories around the world, in an endeavor to respond to international humanitarian crises.
Our mission is to support community development by spreading the spirit of giving and making a better community for everyone.
CCK engages in the following activities :
• Fundraising, and developing efficient regular donation activities/programs
• Providing assistance and support to the needy
• Spreading the spirit of giving
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