Glaucoma is a group of diseases which damages the optic nerve and can result in vision loss and blindness. In early stages, there is no pain and vision may stay normal. Without treatment, you may start to lose your peripheral vision. However with early detection and the correct treatment, you can protect our eyes against vision loss.

Intraocular pressure, or eye pressure, is the fluid (aqueous humor) pressure inside the eye.
High Eye Pressure Glaucoma
Aqueous humor is created in the eye and is in continuous circulation, but for some reason if this fluid leaks or the flow is interrupted, the eye pressure will rise and cause damage to the optic nerve.

Normal Eye Pressure Glaucoma
Normal eye pressure is anywhere between 10 and 21mmHg. However, there are some patients who have optic nerve damage at normal eye pressures, known as normal-tension glaucoma. Studies have revealed that Asians usually suffer from normal-tension glaucoma much more than high eye pressure glaucoma.
The exact cause of glaucoma is often unknown, but with aging (above 40) the occurrence rate is higher. Other than high eye pressure, excessive astigmatism, previous eye injuries, long term use of steroid eye drops, diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid disease, or arteriosclerosis can all be the cause of glaucoma.
Most patients with glaucoma feel no pain or any acute attacks. The only signs are gradual visual field loss. However, very few people experience sudden ocular pains or sudden decreased vision.

- I am having difficulty focusing on objects.
- There are parts that I can’t see. (Visual field loss)
- I have headaches when exercising.
- I get regular headaches in the early mornings or late evenings.
- My vision is blurred and I feel pain in my eyes.
- I am seeing halos around lights.

01 Open-Angle Glaucoma
Open-angle glaucoma is the most common form of glaucoma. It is caused by the slow clogging of the drainage canals, resulting in increase eye pressure. It develops slowly with hardly any noticeable symptoms.

02 Angle-Closure Glaucoma
Angle-closure glaucoma, a less common form, is caused by blocked drainage canals, resulting in a sudden rise in eye pressure. It develops very quickly and demands immediate medical attention.

Eye Pressure Test
The higher the ocular pressure, the greater the risk of glaucoma. However normal tension glaucoma is much more common in Koreans, so additional comprehensive examinations have to be done.
Visual Field Test
MATRIX can diagnose early stages of glaucoma by checking any visual field irregularity.
Visual Field Test
Humphrey is a more detailed visual field test to see how much glaucoma has progressed.
Completely curing glaucoma is impossible; however with continuous care you can protect your eyes against vision loss. The main purpose of treatment is to stop optical nerve damage from progressing and to maintain normal eye pressure. As there are no usual noticeable symptoms, it is difficult to detect glaucoma in the early stages. However once you notice the symptoms, the glaucoma may have progressed and visual loss is apparent. So having regular eye check-ups is very important in preventing glaucoma and vision loss.
Once diagnosed, depending on your symptoms, medication or laser surgery can be used to treat it. EYEREUM’s glaucoma specialist will be treating your every need.