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ICL surgery

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* Age/ Date of surgery

Type of surgery done
ICL on both eyes.

* Why I decide to get the surgery?
Glasses and contacts are an inconvenience and the option to completly remove my dependence on external measures to correct my vision was one that I knew that I wanted to take. I am also allergic to many things which makes wearing contacts particularly annoying because pollen can get stuck under the contacts and after you get one eyelash stuck under your contact, you too would understand why contacts can be such a hassle. 

* Why did I chose EyeReum?
World wide reputation and their service prior and following the surgery were some of the many reasons why I chose EyeReum. 

* How I felt after the surgery!
Because my vision coming into the surgery was so poor, the difference was literally between being blind and being able to see. After the one day recovery time, I was able to move around freely and had no problems going about my day to day activities. My only regret was that I didnt do the surgery earlier. Because I was used to wearing contacts, at night I would often go to the bathroom in preperation to remove my contacts only to remember that I didn't have them anymore. 

* What would I say to someone considering having eye surgery?
The only wrong answer is not to consider and research what benefits can come with having the surgery done. If you are worried about the possible side effects, there are very few and none are as inconvenent as having to worry about glasses or contacts. I'm still noticing some inconviences I had while wearing contacts and glasses. I used to avoid going into any foggy areas or places that were humid because my glasses would fog up, I would avoid interactions with splashing water because my contacts had the chance of falling out. I had to carry a pair of glasses even if I had contacts just in case one fell out during the day so I would be able to drive home. All of those are gone now and I can just live my life with my new basically super vision.  Because of how long I have worn my glasses and contacts, I still don't know all of the effects it will have on me but I do know that no matter what it is a great positive influence on my life and because of the nature of the surgery, I'm confident my feelings will last.